Nearly 1/2 of Kids report being drawn to Websites by TV or Print ads.

Children ages 6-11 are increasingly using the Internet to look into products they see in advertisements. According to MRI’s 2008 American Kids Study, 46.3% of kids visited a Web site they saw or heard about in a commercial or advertisement.

The older the child the more likely he or she is to take such action after viewing an ad. Of the almost 10.7 million young consumers who report visiting a company’s Web site after viewing its ad, 26.5% are 6-7 years old, 33.3% are 8-9 years old and 40.2% are 10-11 years old. These children are also more likely to hail from households where there are no rules placed on which sites they can or cannot visit. The gender split is almost even, with 49.4% of girls and 50.6% of boys saying that viewing an ad resulted in a Web site visit.

Children Who Visited a Web Site they Saw/Heard About in Commercial or Advertisement

According to MRI data, ad-promoted Web site visits are not the only Internet activity in which these kids partake. In fact, children who report they visited a web site after they saw or heard about it in a commercial are 48% more likely than the average U.S. child to access the Internet every day. Moreover, they are 41% more likely to have their own email address, 40% more likely to use an instant messenger service, and 34% more likely to download music.

“Many marketers, whether they are targeting adults or children, hope to drive prospects to their Web site via their ad campaigns,” said Anne Marie Kelly, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Planning at MRI. “MRI data clearly indicates that the younger set is pretty responsive to a ‘please visit our Web site’ suggestion. Understanding this can help marketers craft more effective ad and promotional campaigns.”

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