A new call for a new Asian, African American and Hispanic agency organization.
September 29, 2011
Many of you might not know that Eduardo Caballero, a pioneer in the radio and television industry in the US Hispanic Market, was the catalyst for the creation of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) about 15 years ago. Mr. Caballero also has an award in his name at AHAA, The Eduardo Caballero Awards that is coveted by all agency heads for recognition of their contribution to the Industry.
Mr. Caballero has now once again made a call for the creation of a new Afro-American, Asian and Hispanic Advertising, Marketing and Promotion Agencies organization to help advertisers open their minds and their pockets to our consumers and markets at the ADCOLORS Awards this month where he was honored for his contributions to Multicultural and Hispanic Marketing.
Could this be the beginning of a new Industry association that becomes the agency and media organization to move the Afro-American, Asian and Hispanic market into the mainstream?
Is there a need for a new unifying organization?
I can tell you that when we look at mainstream agency and marketing organizations and the member services & initiatives they promote & fund, our Industry efforts seems non-existent.
Where are our Industry’s scholarship programs?
Where our our Industry’s association with key Colleges & Universities?
Where are our industry’s educational initiatives that reduce literacy and promote education among our consumers?
Where are our Industry’s educational health initiatives that better the lives of our consumers?
Where is the political marketing efforts that influence Washington DC, clients and other parties when we do not get our fair shares of the dollars?
Where is the support for our account planning competition and the inclusion of our winners in mainstream account planning awards?
Just to name a few.
An interesting note, last year’s HispanicAd.com Account Planning Excelencia Competition winner California Milk Board from Grupo Gallegos was short listed in the AAAA Jay Chiat Planning Awards competition. That is an accomplishment, a first. CONGRATULATIONS Grupo Gallegos!
What are your thoughts on the need of a unifying organization and the services & initiatives we need as an Industry?
Gene Bryan – CEO / HispanicAd.com