New Student ADDY Awards Launched.

Further dedicating itself to the promotion of both creativity and educational standards in the advertising profession, the American Advertising Federation (AAF) announces a unique new national ADDY Awards program designed specifically for college students. The new national program will parallel the existing three-tiered professional ADDY Awards competition and will offer a $1,000 cash prize for the winning entry.

“As evidenced in the AAF’s signature college competitions and programs, our advertising students are bursting with talent, often on par with top professionals,” said Jack Griffin, president, Meredith Publishing Group and AAF chairman. “The ADDY Awards are renowned for their high creative standards and rigorous entry process, and any student who can compete in this top-tier environment will be well prepared for the profession as a whole.”

“Today’s advertising students are a treasure trove of creative enthusiasm,” said Wally Snyder, AAF president & CEO. “A celebration of their work will reinforce the field of advertising as a exciting, rewarding career choice.”

The new Student ADDY Awards will have an abbreviated set of categories that will cover all major aspects of the advertising and design industry (see list attached). This structure will provide a competitive framework and allow students to showcase their talent. The work will be held to the high creative standards established by the existing ADDY Awards and will be judged by a leading panel of talented creative professionals and experienced ADDY judges. The national student awards will be presented at the AAF National Conference and ADDY Gala Awards Show.

In conjunction with AAF’s National Ad 2 organization, an organization for young professionals in the advertising industry (age 32 and younger), the best of show winner at the national Student ADDY Awards will also receive a $1,000 cash prize. College students at any accredited institution are eligible to participate. Students should check with AAF at to find a local, AAF affiliated club and contact their nearest local club for entry information.

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