NHCC & Florida Int’l University Form Alliance.

NHCC President and CEO Carlos Soto and Joyce J. Elam, Executive Dean of the College of Business Administration and Chapman Graduate School of Business at Florida International University, announced that their organizations have entered into a partnership to explore value-based projects that will capitalize on the complimentary skills and assets of both entities.

“This alliance seems like a natural fit for us, in that both FIU’s business school and NHCC have strong and recognized expertise in issues affecting Hispanics in corporate America,” said Soto. “The business school’s academic research coupled with our members’ experience can help enhance knowledge regarding best practices in Hispanic marketing, diversity, leadership, and community relations.”

Soto noted that the partnership with FIU’s business school will add value to NHCC’s member services and help both organizations build their reputations as key resources for business issues affecting Hispanics.

“We’re excited about the benefits our new alliance with NHCC brings to the business school,” said Elam. “It has the potential to provide our faculty opportunities for new research and our students, more than half of whom are Hispanic, added exposure to corporate America and its needs.”

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