Niche Lifestyles and Branding: Advertising in the Cultural Moment Conference.

The University of Texas Center for Brand Research has organized a conference focusing on three niche markets — clean cities and organic foods, gay lifestyle, and urban youth — and how advertisers and marketers have expanded these niches into mainstream American culture. Hosted by the American Advertising Federation (AAF), “Niche Lifestyles and Branding: Advertising in the Cultural Moment” will be held February 23-24, 2004, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Nationally recognized speakers will lead each of the three sessions. Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), a forceful supporter of civil rights, will be the plenary speaker on February 23 addressing gay and lesbian issues; Carol Browner, former head of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Clinton, will lead the clean cities, clean air and organic foods session and Miriam Muley, executive director, marketing and sales for diversity & growth markets, General Motors will deliver a plenary address on urban youth and the growth of this critical market influence. Speakers from top corporations, advertising and marketing firms and universities, including American Airlines, Burrell Advertising, Chelada, Coca-Cola, Georgetown University, IBM, Oasis Advertising, RadioShack and The University of Texas at Austin, will also participate and lend their unique perspectives on these diverse advertising issues.

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