Nissan launches multiplatform Brazil games effort

Nissan encourages consumers tuning in to the Brazil games to let their excitement out with the launch of a national ad campaign, “The Most Exciting Car Brand Celebrates the Most Exciting Sport.”

“We want to inspire soccer enthusiasts to let their true fan out, and this campaign allows us to do just that as we engage Hispanic consumers with the Nissan brand through a variety of TV, digital, social and mobile engagements,” said Fred Diaz, senior vice president, Nissan Sales and Marketing and Operations, U.S. “Each component of this campaign is designed to celebrate the passion around these games, which is the same level of excitement we aim to deliver in each of our vehicles.”

 The Spanish-language :30 spots feature Nissan vehicles as the tools helping consumers bring forth the excitement of the highly anticipated summer soccer games. Both versions of the spot close with the English-language phrase, “Innovation that Excites,” a reflection of bicultural consumers’ tendency to be comfortable with both languages. The spots will air on national networks such as Univision, Telemundo and other Spanish stations from June 12 through July 13.

The first spot, entitled “Goal Trip,” features colorful imagery as brand aficionados Diego and Rafa excitedly scream, “Goal!” throughout their scenic road trip from New York to Brazil. The second spot, “Face-Off,” opens playfully as it portrays cars facing off against enthusiastic soccer fans as they race to the stadium for the big match.



Nissan’s interactive digital and mobile ads mimic the overarching theme of passion and excitement portrayed in the TV spots, and they direct consumers to the brand’s Facebook page to drive social media engagement, using social media activities as a call-to-action for consumers to celebrate the Brazil games.


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