Oh, Baby! Trends in the Global Baby Food and Diaper Markets

Today’s parents want the very best for their children—from the food they put in their mouths to the diapers they put on their bottoms. And they’re willing to spend for it. Nielsen estimates global baby food and formula sales will reach nearly $30 billion in 2015, and the global diaper market is estimated to exceed $29 billion.

But for baby care manufacturers, there’s plenty at stake in the battle for baby bucks. Competition in the baby care market is stiff, and numerous branded and store-brand products at various price points compete for moms’ attention. Moreover, the window for purchasing baby care products is relatively short.

To better understand why consumers select one baby food or diaper brand over another, and to determine what motivates brand-switching behavior, Nielsen polled online respondents in 60 countries who have made a baby care purchase in the past five years. The findings reveal important insights about the path to purchase and identify the online and offline sources most influential in the process. Finally, areas of opportunity and the strategies necessary to win in the global baby care market are identified.
Diaper Dollars

Fifty-one percent of global diaper value sales come from North America and Europe, but the most rapid growth is happening in developing countries.

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