One in Four U.S. Adults watches Original Digital Video Programming at Least Once a Month [REPORT]

A quarter (24%) of the American adult population, an audience of 59 million strong, is turning to original digital video programming at least once a month, according to the “2015 Original Digital Video Study” from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). This marks an uptick of 13 percent over last year’s audience size of 52 million. The in-depth survey of over 1,900 consumers, produced by GfK as an update to the IAB annual original digital video study, also shows that original digital video has the distinct ability to attract the difficult-to-reach 18-34 year-old audience of cord-cutters/cord-nevers – a growing group, now at 17 million.

Released during the second week of the 2015 Digital Content NewFronts, an annual marketplace managed by IAB that connects brands and media buyers with the latest in made-for-digital video opportunities, the report shows that young cord-cutters/nevers are about twice as likely as other adults to view original digital video. Fifty-three percent of cord-cutters and 63 percent of cord-nevers see this type of programming as “very” or “somewhat” important in their decision not to have pay TV. In addition, cord-cutters/nevers are inclined to find the ads shown during this type of programming to be “more interesting” or “fun” (43%), and they are not alone – a third (35%) of the general original digital viewing audience is in agreement about the likability of the ads on this sort of content.

Connected TVs (56%), smartphones (56%), and tablets (48%) are being used to stream original digital video more than twice as often as two years ago, while computer viewing of original digital video (72%) remains steady. Two-thirds (65%) of those who stream original digital video to connected TVs state that they typically watch during primetime (8-11pm) and half (53%) of them report they are doing so more than they did a year ago, largely driven by more (and more interesting) content along with ease of use of connected TVs.

“Original digital video programming is attracting a growing audience – especially younger viewers 18-34 who are highly desirable to many advertisers,” said Sherrill Mane, Senior Vice President, Research, Analytics and Measurement, IAB. “Brands and media buyers need to be aware not only of the growth in popularity of original digital video, but also recognize the variety of screens where this content is consumed. Earlier IAB research showed that connected TVs are gaining ground, and this study independently substantiates those findings and shows that those who enjoy made-for-digital content are watching that programming more and more by streaming to traditional television sets.”

While word of mouth (53%) comes first in the discovery of original digital video content, social media sites are playing a larger role – approaching twice that of two years ago (42% vs. 24% in 2013). Likes and follows by regular original digital video viewers on Facebook and Twitter increased 10 percentage points over last year (24% vs 14%). Fifty-five percent of regular viewers of made-for-digital video programming say they have greater social media interactions than they do during traditional TV – even when it comes to primetime TV fare (39%).

In line with last year’s survey findings, today’s viewers of original digital video clearly prefer that type of content to the news, sports and daytime programming found on TV, and like it almost as much as they do primetime television.

“The impressive number of advertisers and media buyers crowding into the various action-packed presentations at this year’s NewFronts is a testament to rapid growth of the original digital video audience,” said Anna Bager, Senior Vice President, Mobile and Video, IAB and General Manager of the IAB Digital Video and Mobile Marketing Centers of Excellence. “There is no question that this type of innovative, interactive content – ready to inform and entertain consumers anywhere at any time – is at the heart of a sea change across the media landscape. Viewers’ preferences and behaviors are shifting, and so too will advertising dollars.”

To download“2015 Original Digital Video Study,” CLICK HERE.



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