Oxxo Films & Venus Pictures Creates Film House Targeting U.S. Hispanics.

Oxxo Films [OXXO] and Venus Pictures [Venus] announced they have entered into a strategic alliance to expand their market
share of the Cine En Español industry by distributing their respective film labels under one roof. Both companies are based in Los Angeles and both maintain a substantial presence in the film industry in the U.S. and Mexico. In December 2003, Oxxo announced its plan to restructure its film distribution unit.

The strategic alliance will aggressively cover the U.S. Hispanic market through all distribution channels. The leadership involved in the strategic alliance is seasoned veterans with a combined experience of over 50 years in the Cine En Español. The value in this arrangement will greatly benefit the alliance’s customer base, film production and product representation.

The alliance creates one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of Spanish-language movies in all of North America. Motion Pictures created by well known figures in Hispanic cinema including many films produced by Mexico’s top film studios are part of the collection.

The collection is heavily weighted toward 35 mm motion picture productions versus low-budget exploitation films and offers classic, contemporary, high-end, family-oriented lines of Hispanic titles. All genres are represented and appeal to all Hispanic age groups and demographics.

“We are very excited about what we have created and the entertainment value we can deliver to the U.S. Hispanic population through our collection. Not only are we able to offer a better and larger selection of movies, we better understand the needs of our customer because of our close ties to the Hispanic community.” Says Oxxo’s President, Helen Moaveni. “We are confident that the sharing of expertise and resources with Venus Pictures not only will enhance the positioning of our movies within our community but will provide us with the leverage to successfully rollout the collection in DVD format,”
says Adam Valdez, CEO for Oxxo.

Lucia B. Cruz, President and founder of Venus Pictures noted,”This strategic alliance not only widens each company’s presence in the Cine En Español industry but also expands the depth of our film lines, production capabilities, and resources.” “The alliance with Oxxo Films is central to Venus’ strategy to further penetrate our business into growing markets and to secure our position at the retail level.”

“The highest priority of the alliance is to continue offering the most popular Hispanic films with the best stars and outstanding production values. The alliance will remain steadfast on these objectives because of our business commitment to our customers. Our customers are an integral part of our marketing equation. These objectives and commitment allows us to work hand in hand with them in meeting their expectations,” says Lucia Cruz.

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