People en Español Ad Pages Jump.

People en Español publisher Jacqueline Hernández-Fallous announced that the seven-year-old Spanish language monthly experienced an extraordinary surge in ad page growth from August -December 2004, up 20.6% vs. 2003. Building on that success, the magazine has raised its ratebase to 450,000, effective with the February 2005 issue.

Specifically, Hernández-Fallous reports that the September, October and December 2004 issues showed significant ad page growth at 27.7%, 33.8% and 16.1%, respectively. Year over year, the magazine is up 9.3% in overall advertising pages.

“This has been another stellar year for People en Español, especially in terms of ad sales,” says Hernández-Fallous. “Our record numbers continue to support that we are the premiere print vehicle for reaching all segments of the Hispanic market.”

The ratebase growth is a direct result of the magazine’s increased performance in advertising pages and subscription growth. Additionally, the magazine’s top-notch editorial redesign directly impacted newsstand sales in 2004. Under the leadership of editor Richard Pérez Feria, newsstands sales are up 10% year over year.

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