Procter & Gamble and Liga Contra el Cáncer partner to empower.
September 15, 2012
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Procter & Gamble (P&G) and its Orgullosa program have joined forces with Liga Contra el Cáncer to empower the community to share the gift of breast cancer early detection through simple, everyday actions. The program is designed to rally women to take action by preparing their own early detection plan, sharing inspirational stories about how early detection saves lives and by supporting the cause.
The efforts by Orgullosa and the League Against Cancer will support P&G’s GIVE Hope and its breast cancer early detection awareness message. GIVE Hope is part of P&G’s GIVE program, a social sustainability platform designed to inspire and enable people to use their everyday purchases to touch lives and improve life.
“My sister-in-law is a breast cancer survivor, so I know firsthand the importance of early detection. For this reason, I am proud to be part of Orgullosa and to help carry this meaningful and important cause that is dear to my heart,” said Valentina Sanchez, Orgullosa Brand Manager.
As a part of this effort, Orgullosa will be donating $10,000 to the League Against Cancer and is providing the opportunity for more women to support the cause. During the month of October, for every new “Like” on its Facebook page, Orgullosa will donate $1 to the League Against Cancer, up to an additional $10,000. Also, on another special Facebook application, consumers will be able to share inspirational stories about breast cancer awareness and the importance of early detection to help spread the word.