Programmatic Transparency Benchmark [REPORT]

The ANA and TAG TrustNet have released early findings from their first quarterly Programmatic Transparency Benchmark Study.

Following the release of the ANA Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study late last year, the new benchmarking project seeks to collect, reconcile, and analyze ANA members’ log-level data to establish supply chain metrics against which individual marketers can regularly assess their own programmatic campaigns. The aggregated data will be released on a quarterly basis.

According to these new 2024 findings (among 11 companies), the percentage of media dollars spent on Made for Advertising websites has dropped from 15 percent to 4 percent, suggesting that advertisers are taking greater control following heavy press coverage of last year’s study results. The average number of websites and apps on which campaigns run has also dropped from 44,000 to 23,000, and a high percentage of advertisers have reduced their number of SSP and exchange partners.

ANA and TAG TrustNet are offering this new Benchmark service to ANA members on a limited basis. While all data will inform aggregate benchmarks, each participating advertiser will also receive its own confidential monthly metrics, including MFA activity, transaction costs, media quality (ad fraud, viewability), sustainability and DEI. Industry averages and recommendations will be released on a quarterly basis.

To download report, CLICK HERE.


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