PROMOEXPORT in the Bronx.

In celebration of Puerto Rican Heritage Month 2003, the first ever Puerto Rico Business Expo will be held in New York at the Rotunda at Bronx Borough Hall, on Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 11am.

The expo is produced by Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión, PROMOEXPORT Executive Director Antonio Sosa-Pascual, and organizations including the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (BOEDC), the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration (PRFAA) and the event’s title sponsor, Banco Popular.

“The Puerto Rico Business Expo seeks to promote Puerto Rican product importation and exportation between Puerto Rico and the Northeast United States, while using Bronx facilities including the Hunts Point Cooperative Market as a gateway and operations center,” said Borough President Carrió

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