Public Consensus On How To Close The Achievement Gap.

The most resounding finding of today’s independent PDK/Gallup poll is the overwhelming public support for the things that really help to close the achievement gap among students.

“Ninety percent or more of the public believes the gap can be narrowed by encouraging more parental involvement and providing low-performing students with more class time and remedial programs. More than three-quarters of the public also believes in providing state-funded preschool, in-school health clinics, and free breakfast and lunch where needed.

“Not surprisingly, the public recognizes the lack of adequate funding as the biggest problem facing public schools in their community, according to the poll. At a time of painful state and local budget cuts, cash-strapped school districts are paying for more bureaucracy, standardized testing, transportation, private tutoring, and other costly demands under the so-called No Child Left Behind law. Because of last year’s inadequate funding, half of the nation’s 15,000 school districts are receiving less federal aid for poor children this fall.

“Parents and educators know that the overly rigid and underfunded No Child Left Behind law and other so-called solutions such as school vouchers are siphoning resources from classrooms that would help close the achievement gap. Instead, we need more federal aid for smaller class sizes, increased teacher training, new textbooks and materials, and other methods and practices that truly work.”

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