The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce summons all Investors.

Puerto Rico has completed all the arrangements for the celebration of the most significant economic event to take place in the Island: Puerto Rico Conference 2008 — “Investment for Growth”. This conference is organized by the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce. Jose Julian Alvarez, Chairman of the Board, and Francisco Rodriguez- Castro, Chairman for Puerto Rico Conference 2008 hereby invite all investors from the United States and abroad to come and participate in this major event. The same will be held on February 20, 2008 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel Spa & Casino in Isla Verde.

On this day, hundreds of domestic and foreign investors will learn firsthand the attributes of the investment atmosphere on the Island.

“Puerto Rico has significantly attractive attributes for capital investment and a concentration of prosperous businesses. The detailed work agenda will discuss our offering on areas such as income tax and investment for development incentives,” explained Rodriguez-Castro.

Rodriguez-Castro pointed out that, “We want to maintain a strong economy based principally on manufacturing, such as the one we have, yet promote the development and growth of the economy in other sectors, such as Services, Finance, Insurance and the development of technology and
knowledge.” Rodriguez-Castro added that classifying agencies, bondholders and creditors will participate in the event.

All the main government agencies that represent the economic sectors will take part in the day’s agenda. The Chief of Staff, Honorable Jorge Silva Puras, will also be participating in the event. Furthermore, the Resident Commissioner in Washington, Honorable Luis Fortuno, will be delivering a very important message.

Jose Julian Alvarez, Chairman of the Board of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that, “We have assured that the event will be of world- class quality, geared to serve as a point of encounter for business men and women. The event will solidify Puerto Rico’s position as one of the most important places to make investments,” added Alvarez, who also mentioned that seventy (70) percent of the participants will come from abroad.

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