Q1 2008 U.S. Email Trend Results.

Epsilon released its Q1 2008 U.S. Email Trends and Benchmarks Results which underscore the importance of email even in a challenging economy.

The quarterly analysis is compiled from aggregate data from the more than 5.8 billion emails sent by Epsilon in January, February and March 2008, across multiple industries and clients. For the first time, the analysis combines data from both of Epsilon’s proprietary platforms, DREAM and DREAMmail.

According to Kevin Mabley, Senior Vice President of Strategic Services, Epsilon, “The top-performing clients in our analysis are using email to drive relevant and timely messages at the right point in the customer buying cycle.”

He added, “And, as cost requirements continue to increase for marketers during an economic downturn, email continues to be tremendously ROI-positive despite a decline in conversions during the post-holiday season. Standard campaign performance metrics such as opens and clicks have remained remarkably stable over the past several years of tracking.”

Survey Highlights:

– Positive performance indicators saw open rates increase for only the second time in the past four years; also, e-mail click-through rates rebounded in Q1. These results support the key contention that email remains an integral and effective communications channel.

– Click-to-purchase rates dropped from 6.4% in Q4 2007 to 3.2% in Q1 2008. Although a drop in conversion rate is normal after the holiday season, this quarter’s decline was larger than anticipated, likely a reflection of the struggling economy.

– Both revenue-per-email and number of orders-per-email-delivered decreased as well, although median order size remained constant, meaning that email can deliver a healthy return even in a economy in a downturn. Email is currently driving an average of $0.16 in transactions per email delivered.

For more information at http://www.epsilon.com

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