Reaching LGBTQIA+ Consumers with Interactive and Targeted Advertising Strategies
March 25, 2025

LGBTQIA+ audiences are bullish on interacting with brands through digital advertising and social media, according to Horowitz’s recent report, State of Media, Entertainment, and Tech: FOCUS LGBTQIA+. This annual study found that LGBTQIA+ consumers are more likely to engage with interactive and targeted advertising. For instance, more than half (52%) of LGBTQIA+ consumers say they have clicked on an ad from a brand that shows up on their media feed (compared to 44% of consumers overall), and half (50%) of LGBTQIA+ consumers say they have researched a product or service online after seeing an ad for it (in line with total market consumers). Also, nearly 4 in 10 (39%) LGBTQIA+ consumers have interacted with social media ads by liking, sharing, or commenting on them. In addition, a full third (33%) of LGBTQIA+ consumers have followed a brand on social media after being impressed by their ads. This segment has also purchased products from an influencer’s social media page (32%) and directly through Facebook Marketplace (40%), TikTok Shop (26%), and Instagram Shop (26%).
LGBTQIA+ consumers tend to gravitate more toward social media for content and advertising that feels more welcoming and relatable. The study finds that more than half (56%) of LGBTQIA+ social media users say traditional media faces more restrictions imposed by advertisers in terms of what they are able to say, in comparison to those who say social media has more limitations (33%). Furthermore, over half (51%) of LGBTQIA+ consumers are more likely to feel that social media is for people like themselves than traditional media (37%). This segment is also less likely to perceive social media as biased or having an agenda, in comparison to traditional media.
“Social media is a place where LGBTQIA+ communities can connect meaningfully and authentically with others within their community and with the brands that support the cultural diversity that makes the United States great,” notes Adriana Waterston, Executive Vice President and Insights & Strategy Lead for Horowitz Research, a division of M/A/R/C Research.
The full State of Media, Entertainment, and Tech: FOCUS LGBTQIA+ 2024 study integrates data from Horowitz’s core syndicated studies to highlight similarities and distinctions in LGBTQIA+ consumer behaviors and attitudes compared to the general market. This report covers everything from subscriptions to viewing behaviors to opportunities for advertising and takes the pulse of the LGBTQIA+ community on key social and political issues. The sample sizes for each survey range from 243-310 LGBTQIA+ adults 18+ in the U.S., depending on the study. Data have been weighted to Census.