RNC Launches Spanish-Language TV Show ‘Abriendo Caminos’.

In an unprecedented effort by a national political party, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced the launch of a Spanish-language television news magazine. Abriendo Caminos (Forging New Paths) will inform the Hispanic community about important political issues and Bush Administration initiatives that directly affect their lives. Abriendo Caminos will debut on Monday, May 20th, and will initially air on Telemundo and Univisión stations in six U.S. markets.

RNC Chairman Marc Racicot made the announcement during a press conference at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC. Following the program’s launch in the nation’s capital, RNC officials will host regional events to introduce Abriendo Caminos to the various markets in which it will air. The markets the RNC has selected are Albuquerque, Denver, Fresno, Las Vegas, Miami, and Orlando.

“Our commitment to reach out to all constituency groups is serious, and the Hispanic community is no exception. President Bush has shown us that if we simply bring the Republican message to the Hispanic community, their support will follow. We know that Spanish-language television is an effective tool in reaching Hispanics, and Abriendo Caminos is a logical way to communicate our message,” said Racicot.

The RNC is spending over a million dollars on the production, promotion and broadcasting of Abriendo Caminos. Promotional pieces will air on radio stations, appear in print publications and be featured in billboards in each market.

Produced by GOP-TV, Abriendo Caminos is a 30-minute, monthly news magazine. The show will encapsulate headlines from the White House, Capitol Hill and federal agencies; interviews with high-ranking government officials; and opinions from Hispanic community leaders.

“I am honored to be part of one of the most ambitious RNC efforts to reach out to Hispanic voters. My motivation is to educate and inform Latinos by bringing them news they can use and information they cannot afford to miss,” said RNC Deputy Director of Communications Sharon Castillo, who is also anchor of Abriendo Caminos.

Each show will take an in-depth look at one issue of vital importance to the Hispanic community through four regular segments: Titulares (Headlines) is the news segment; Enfoque (In Focus) features an in-depth analysis of the issue at hand; En Su Propia Voz (In Your Own Voice) is an opportunity for prominent Hispanic community leaders to share their views; and Calendario (Calendar) is a rundown of Republican grassroots events around the country.

For additional information at http://www.Abriendo-Caminos.com

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