San Diego Ad Club 10th Annual Hispanic Marketing Luncheon On May 25, 2004.

The San Diego Ad Club’s Hispanic Marketing Council is announcing its 10th Annual Hispanic Marketing Luncheon. This year’s event will take place on May 25th at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in Downtown San Diego. Registration begins at 11am followed by the event program, which will run from 12noon-2pm.

To reflect this year’s theme, “The Road to Success”, the Hispanic Marketing Council has gathered a group of speakers that will share their knowledge and expertise in developing marketing and advertising strategies to reach the Hispanic Market in Southern California and the Western United States. Speakers for the event include: Tito Zamalloa, Marketing Consultant for American Consulting and Research. He has served as Sr. Multicultural Marketing/Development Manager for Pepsi Cola USA’s Western Region; Regional Marketing Manager for McDonald’s Corporation and Regional Marketing Manager, Western Region Business Markets for AT&T. Derene Allen, Senior Vice President of the Santiago Solutions Group, a multi-cultural business strategy development consulting firm, will share her experiences in the area of multicultural strategy development, direct response and loyalty marketing. Armando Macedo, Founder & President Macedo Advertising Inc. will speak to his experiences in dealing with corporate, regional and local entities in the automotive industry of Southern California. Juan Carlos Aguirre, West Coast Account Supervisor for Zubi Advertising will share the strategies he uses with corporate clients in the automotive, travel and packaged goods industries. Jose Gutierrez, will share the telecommunications perspective to reach Hispanic consumers as Segment Marketing Manager for Verizon Wireless.

The program for this year’s luncheon will take a very practical approach by reviewing marketing strategies from various points of view presented by our speakers. They will provide us with an inside look into some of their “Best Practices” in advertising to San Diego/Tijuana Hispanic consumers. The program is structured to give participants successful tools and tactics that have proven to be successful. In addition, we will review, in depth, these successfully implemented Hispanic-marketing strategies for this border region and the positive impact Spanish-language advertising has directly provided to bottom lines of major corporations and small businesses alike.

The San Diego Ad Club’s Hispanic Marketing Council was formed in 1994 to promote the growth and power of the San Diego/Tijuana Hispanic market. The San Diego Ad Club is proud to announce its partners for this year’s event: San Diego Chapter of the American Marketing Association, San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, LEAD San Diego, California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, San Diego MANA, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce, South County Economic Development Corporation and the International Community Foundation. The San Diego Ad Club is a registered 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.

It is encouraged that you purchase your tickets in advance as this event has sold-out the last few years. Individual tickets are $30.00 for Sponsors, $35 for SD Ad Club & event partner members and $45.00 for Non-members. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Helen Baker at the San Diego Ad Club, 858-576-9833, he********@ne*****.com. If you’re interested in sponsorship opportunities for this event, contact Monica Gallardo at 619-744-4323, mg*******@un************.com.

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