Search Engine Strategies (SES) Latino 2007 focuses on the U.S Hispanic and LatAM Markets.

Search Engine Strategies (SES) is hosting the second annual Search Engine Strategies (SES) Latino Conference and Expo in Miami, Florida, on June 18-19, 2007. Executives and their marketing and web development teams will attend the event to gain insight on how to reach this highly lucrative Spanish and Portuguese speaking audience. SES Latino will offer its sessions in English along with live translation in Spanish and Portuguese.

There were 15.7 million Hispanic Internet users in the U.S. in 2005, rising to 16.7 million in 2006, according to the market research firm The number of users is expected to grow 33 percent during the next five years, reaching 20.9 million in 2010. In addition, U.S. Hispanics and Latin American consumers rank among the world‚s top Internet users. According to Internet World Stats, the number of Spanish-speaking Internet users worldwide has increased more than 260 percent since 2000, outpacing the rest of the world’s usage growth by more than 25 percent over the same period.

Savvy interactive executives and marketers will gather at SES Latino to learn how to maximize search engine marketing opportunities and stay informed on the latest search solutions geared for Spanish speakers. Attendees will hear the new and innovative approaches and learn the right strategies and tactics for these markets through real-world success stories and insights from SEM/SEO industry leaders in the U.S. and Latin America.

“Search engine optimization techniques are marketed different in the Latino community,” said Nacho Hernandez, CEO of iHispanic Marketing Group and SES Latino Conference Chair. “SES Latino affords ambitious marketers the opportunity to gain real, actionable information to grow their business by tapping into this highly lucrative market.”

An additional day of Web Search Training has been added on June 20th. Taught by Jeffrey Eisenberg, co-founder of Future Now and a contributing writer for the ClickZ Network, the Call to Action Workshop ˆ Conversion Optimization Training session will take its students beyond the traditional thinking on driving increased conversions online and will look at what executives and marketers need to know to achieve dynamic results from their online efforts.

Those new to SEM will learn about free and paid search engine placements, driving “organic” traffic, efficiently purchasing lists, managing language issues, calculating ROI, and building links throughout the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American community that generate significant relevant website traffic. Advanced marketers will learn how global search engines participate in Latin America, how users‚ search behavior differs in Latin America, what structural and cultural barriers they will encounter, why some Latino users prefer local/regional search engines, how search engines treat Hispanic content, how to increase relevancy and monetization of their sites, and more.

For additional information about SES Latino Search and other upcoming conferences, visit

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