Seeking applicants for the 2007 Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership Program.

The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute invites Hispanic college students to apply for the 2007 Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership Program. Applications can be downloaded from the CHLI website at>. Eight Hispanic students will be selected to become part of this exciting six-week internship program in Washington, DC. The interns will be placed with Members of Congress from various states who share the goals of the Institute.

The Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership Program offers invaluable insight to Hispanic students who want to gain first-hand experience on how the federal government works and public policy is shaped. The interns will also have the opportunity to interact and meet appointed and elected officials from all levels of government.

“We look forward to receiving applications from students who wish to participate in this unique internship experience that will help develop their personal, educational and leadership skills,” stated Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, CHLI Chairman, “CHLI is proud to help Hispanic and Portuguese American students to achieve their aspirations of working in the nation’s capital.”

“Ford is committed to empowering communities through innovative education and we are proud to partner with CHLI to support this leadership initiative,” said Raquel Egusquiza, Director, Community Development and International Strategy, Ford Motor Company Fund. “Now in its fourth year, the Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership program is recognized as one of the most promising summer internship programs available to young Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent and we are thrilled to play a role in making this possible.”

The application deadline is Thursday, March 1, 2007. The program begins June 18 and ends July 27, 2007.

To apply, applicants must:

— Be U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents of Hispanic or Portuguese origin. –Be residents of and/or attending college in the following states: California, Florida, Texas or Puerto Rico.
— Be enrolled in an accredited four year college/university or two year community college.
— Submit a completed application form, personal statement, legislative analysis, resume, two letters of recommendation and official transcripts.


— Air fare and housing accommodations during Washington, D.C. stay.
— $2,000 stipend.
— Dell laptop computer.
— Metro card provided.

“I would absolutely recommend the Ford CHLI Internship Program to my friends. The opportunities and experience that I gained are invaluable,” said Victor Cota, 2006 Ford CHLI intern.

For more information please contact Yisel Cabrera, Program Manager, Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute at yc******@ch**.org or at (202) 429-2033.

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