Seeking Hispanic undergraduates for the 2008 Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership Program.

The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) invites Hispanic undergraduate students from across the country to apply for the 2008 Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership Program. Applications can be downloaded from the CHLI website at Eight undergraduate students will be selected to become part of this intensive six-week internship program in Washington, DC. The interns will be placed in congressional offices, federal agencies or public policy organizations.

“For the past five years, the Ford Motor Company and CHLI have selected the best and brightest students to work in Washington, DC and participate in this exciting program,” stated Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, CHLI Chairman, “We look forward to receiving applications from students who want to work in the nation’s capital and gain important skills that will help them to become tomorrow’s leaders.”

In the summer of 2004, Ford Motor Company and CHLI welcomed its first class of interns to this highly promising leadership program as a commitment to advancing the next generation of Hispanic and Portuguese American leaders. Five years later, the Ford Motor Company CHLI Leadership Program continues to be a success by attracting talented students to the nation’s capital. During their stay, the interns gain first-hand experience on how the federal government works and public policy is shaped. They also interact with key appointed and elected officials from all levels of government. Following their internship program, many former Ford CHLI interns have moved into exciting jobs in Washington, DC.

“At Ford we take great pride in partnering with key national Hispanic organizations such as CHLI to empower our community,” said Raquel “Rocky” Egusquiza, Director, Community Development and International Strategy, Ford Motor Company Fund, “We are excited to be working with the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute on this innovative leadership initiative.”

The application deadline is Friday, February 29, 2008. The program begins June 16 and ends July 25, 2008.

To apply, applicants must:

— Be U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents of Hispanic or Portuguese origin.
— Be enrolled in an accredited four year college/university or two year community college.
— Submit a completed application form, personal statement, legislative analysis, resume, two letters of recommendation and official transcripts.


— Airfare and housing accommodations in Washington, DC.
— $2,000 stipend.
— Metro card provided.

For more information please contact Yisel Cabrera, Program Manager, Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute at yc******@ch**.org or at 202-429-2033.

The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to creating a broader awareness of the diversity of thought, heritage, interests and views of Americans of Hispanic and Portuguese descent.

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