Social Networking, Text Messaging & Cell Phone use impact effectiveness of E-mail Marketing.

JupiterResearch has found that rising popularity of social networking sites and other forms of communication including text messaging and cell phone use are beginning to impact the effectiveness of e-mail marketing, particularly the numbers of consumers that say promotional messages inspired purchases.

According to a new report “The Social and Portable Inbox: Optimizing E-mail Marketing in the New Era of Communication Tools ,”emerging forms of communication are leading to diminished use of e-mail. Twenty-two percent of e-mail users said they use social networking sites instead of e-mail, with scores more indicating they have used instant messaging (IM), text messaging, and cell phones instead of e-mail.

In 2007, 51 percent of e-mail users said e-mail inspired at least one online purchase, and 47 percent said the same for off-line purchases. However, in 2008, the share of e-mail users fell to 44 percent for online purchases and 41 percent for off-line purchases.

“Consumers’ confidence in e-mail has become shaken by irrelevant communications and high message frequency, which are top drivers of subscribers’ churn and channel skepticism,” explained David Daniels, Vice President, Research Director and Lead Analyst of the report for JupiterResearch. “People receive such a high volume of e-mail that they are unable to pay attention to every message. It is so important for marketers to be relevant and succinct when they send messages to consumers’ inboxes.”

According to David Schatsky, President of JupiterResearch, “Marketers need to be aware that consumers are using other forms of communication and must ensure their strategy adapts to consumers’ changing behavior.”

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