Social Security En Español For Women.
June 16, 2001
Recognizing the special importance of Social Security to women and the need for Hispanic women to have access to timely, accurate information about their rights to benefits under the program, the Social Security Administration (SSA) unveiled a new website, “Para la Mujer” (“For Women”). The site – – on SSA’s Spanish language website provides basic Social Security program information on retirement, survivors, disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits pertinent to Hispanic women. The site also provides guidance on how to find an interpreter, a link to SSA’s English-Spanish glossary of terms and information on how to obtain a Social Security card.
Larry Massanari, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, said that, “The Social Security program treats all workers, regardless of gender or ethnic origin, exactly the same. But because of different life experiences, the real world results are different. As a group, women, particularly Hispanic women, live longer than men, earn less and rely
on Social Security for most of their retirement income. They need to know what the program means to them in their particular circumstances.”
“Para la Mujer” provides links to basic information throughout SSA’s official Spanish language website – Seguro Social, Información en Español – that can be relevant to Hispanic women at different stages in their life. The links are grouped in logical categories to coincide with the various life events affecting women:
· Trabajadora (Working women)
· Divorciada (Divorced spouse)
· Beneficiaria (Beneficiary)
· Cuidadora familiar (Caregiver)
· Recién casada (Bride)
· Viuda (Widow)
· Nueva madre (New mother)
“Para la Mujer” also provides links to other Federal agency websites containing information of interest to Hispanic women.