Speaking Her Language — Better ROI with Women.

The 2nd Annual M2W — The Marketing to Women Conference, May 8-9, 2006 at the Chicago Cultural Center, is the premier national marketing conference designed to help brands increase share with the increasingly lucrative women’s market.

The M2W program features a veritable “who’s who” of internationally recognized marketing-to-women experts speaking on a wide range of topics not heard in any other single business forum. This includes new research, best creative and media practices, success stories, cautionary tales and important marketing insights on women in various life stages and from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

For instance, Pepper Miller author of What’s Black About It? and president of The Hunter Miller Group, an ethnic marketing and research company says, “African-American women are a distinctive and desirable market segment, but not a homogenous segment as often perceived by marketers. My M2W presentation, ‘Tapping into the Black Female Consumer’s Buying Power’ reveals demographic and psychographic insights that distinguish the African-American female’s value and cultural influence in the marketplace.”

And then there’s the age-old quest for brand loyalty. “Women’s relationships with brands are much like their relationships with humans — complex, emotional and start with the basic laws of attraction,” says Stephanie Ouyoumjian, with Frank About Women, a marketing to women communications agency. She explains, “We build brand relationships with women by interpreting these laws of attraction for the purposes of getting women to notice, engage with and make the ultimate commitment to buy brands. At M2W, Frank About Women will reveal what our latest research shows regarding developing brand relationships with women: the how and why of ‘who’ she falls in love with, ‘who’ keeps her love and ‘who’ she gets others to fall in love
with too.”

For more information at http://www.m2w.biz

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