State Farm boosts commitment to solving Latino Drop-Out Rate.

State Farm Insurance is empowering Latino students, teachers and administrators today to help solve the drop-out rate. Through a $3 million education grant to the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), State Farm will help NCLR in their goals to promote excellence in students, increase Latino graduation rates, and close the achievement gap nationwide. Approximately 2.9 million Latinos are enrolled in U.S. high schools — representing 17% of all secondary public school students — and are less likely than their non-Hispanic peers to complete high school.

The grant, paid over a three-year period, marks the first major contribution to NCLR’s Campaign for Stronger American Communities intended to strengthen the organization’s affiliates, improve its programmatic outreach, and enhance its effectiveness and impact by strategically focusing financial, human and technical resources in the field on issues of strategic importance to Latino communities across the U.S., such as education. To support this work, NCLR is raising $15 million over the next three years.

“State Farm is a long-time partner of NCLR and has worked with us to strengthen Latino communities by supporting our education programs,” said Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO. “This latest commitment takes that work to a new level and supports our outreach efforts through our nearly 300 Affiliates. We’re excited by the prospective impact these grants will have on decreasing school drop-out rates and building future leaders.” NCLR’s Affiliates reach throughout 41 states Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

“It’s vital that young members of this growing part of the American community attain the knowledge and skills that will allow them to be full and equal participants in the economy,” said Ed Rust Jr., State Farm Chairman & CEO. “NCLR and State Farm share a vision that begins with making sure our children stay in school and ends with all children achieving their greatest potential.”

The announcement of the grant was made today at a partnership luncheon hosted by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) for State Farm to recognize the long-standing support and contributions made to NCLR, the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S. At the event, held at NCLR Headquarters in Washington, Ms. Murguía recognized Mr. Rust for his corporation’s support of NCLR’s initiatives.

State Farm’s commitment to NCLR, spans over a decade, including NCLR’s community efforts, annual conference, Capital Awards, the Raul Yzaguirre Building Capital Campaign, and the NCLR ALMA Awards. Barbara Cowden, executive vice president at State Farm, sits on NCLR’s Corporate Board of Advisors and is the Chair of NCLR’s Education Task Force. As an early contributor to NCLR’s “Empowering an American Community” campaign when it was launched in 2002, State Farm’s commitment was a cornerstone in NCLR’s efforts to strengthen its long-term institutional abilities. “Latinos have a growing role in our nation’s future prosperity and well-being. At NCLR, we appreciate having such a dedicated and supportive partner as State Farm in our work to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans,” said Ms. Murguía.

The grant to NCLR is one of State Farm’s major commitments under its “State Farm Es Para Mí™” campaign, which focuses on citizenship, civic engagement and education in the Latino community. Other education elements include a directory of scholarships, internships and fellowships for Latino students and grant applications to non-profit organizations and public schools for 200 grants of $1,000 each, (due November 4, 2008). For more information, please call 1-877-564-3119 to find a participating State Farm agent.

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