By Victor Cornejo – Host, Tell Me Más Podcast & Multicultural/Inclusive Advertising Veteran

Let’s be real: Hispanic Heritage Month is not a “campaign opportunity.”

As we enter this month, I want to revisit something I wrote a couple of years ago. Some things may have changed, but not much. Here are a few “pro-tips” to keep in mind:

  1. Hispanics and Latinos aren’t sitting around waiting for your brand to speak from September 15th to October 15th. Trust me, they really aren’t.
  2. We don’t care what you’re doing to “celebrate” Hispanic Heritage Month if you’re not actively engaging with your Hispanic and Latino consumers, supporting your employees, and involving your brand in their communities — all year long. A one-month nod means nothing if you’re missing from the conversation the other 11 months.
  3. DE&I efforts are not “woke.” Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are business strategies. If you’re not onboard, your competitors are. Don’t confuse politics with profitability. They are very different worlds. If you need more insights and want to start doing Hispanic/Latino advertising and marketing correctly, check out
  4. Hispanics vs. Latinos — Know the difference. If you’re unsure, ask someone who knows or hire an expert. By the way, an expert isn’t the one Latina in accounting.
  5. It’s not just about language. Cultural nuance matters. Hire an expert to guide your messaging.
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