Telemundo Launches ‘Con Un Libro Todo es Posible’.

Telemundo announced the launch of “Con Un Libro Todo es Posible” (Everything’s Possible with Books), a multi-media campaign that highlights literacy and the importance of reading as shown in the plotline of its 9pm hit-novela “Los Plateados”; featuring actors Mauricio Islas and Tamara Monserrat, and radio personality Renan Almendarez (El Cucuy). “Con Un Libro Todo es Posible” will begin airing Monday, July 4th during the broadcast of “Los Plateados” and it will run throughout the end of the month.

To further strength the efforts of this campaign, Telemundo has partnered with Atria Books, a division of Simon and Schuster and with “Aja Leyendo”, a campaign sponsored by the American Publisher’s Association’s, which has featured prominent figures such as Gloria Estefan, Laura Bush and Whoopi Goldberg in prior years, to donate thousands of books which will be distributed free to the public through Telemundo’s local stations in key markets during the month of July.

“It’s about being relevant and reflecting the U.S. Hispanic Experience. A National Endowment for the Arts Survey found latinos are reading at a lower level than African Americans or Whites in this country. You can’t get any more relevant than that, and if the message gets through as people are being entertained, we’ve done our job,” said Ramon Escobar, Senior Executive Vice President, Network Entertainment.

Concurrent with the on-air spots, “Con Un Libro Todo es Posible” will be supported by online content through and a website resource for viewers provided by “Aja Leyendo”. The campaign will also be featured in “El Cucuy’s” morning radio show every Wednesday through the month of July, and every Thursday, tri-market newspaper “Hoy” will publish articles with resources and information on literacy.

Telemundo’s inspiration and strategy to get viewers reading comes straight from the fantasy of “Los Plateados.” Camila (Tamara Monserrat), is a book-loving woman who dreams of having a fairy-tale romance, and will go against her tyrant husband’s wishes to help the town’s weak learn the joy of a good book.

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