Telemundo & mun2 unveil ‘Vota Por Tu Futuro’.

Telemundo and mun2 announced the launch of “Vota Por Tu Futuro” – “Vote 4 UR Future,” the networks’ national non-partisan Hispanic voter registration campaign.

The mission of “Vota Por Tu Futuro” – “Vote 4 UR Future” is to increase the number of Hispanic voters by educating, registering and inspiring Hispanics to exercise their power and voice through voting in the upcoming 2008 presidential election. In a strategic approach to reach U.S. Hispanics, Telemundo and mun2 will embark in a first-ever media driven campaign to implement a multi-platform initiative through broadcast, cable and the Internet. Through its cable network, mun2, “Vote 4 UR Future” will focus on motivating and mobilizing young Latinos in the U.S., who constitute the fastest-growing segment within the Nation’s Hispanic community.

“As a leader in Hispanic media, Telemundo recognizes the importance and impact U.S. Hispanics including our Latino youth, play in this country and the great potential they have to influence the upcoming Presidential election,” said Don Browne, President, Telemundo. “Telemundo and mun2, along with our partners, are proud to be a part of empowering and mobilizing our community to play a decisive role in the political process.”

At today’s event, the network unveiled research findings on how political Spanish-language ads and Spanish media impact U.S. Hispanic voter trends. The study, conducted by Telemundo in major-Hispanic markets as well as key-political battlefields, such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami and Denver, tested a total of 600 Spanish dominant. Highlights of the findings show that two-thirds (69%) of U.S. Hispanics ages 18-49 trust television as their ultimate media source for obtaining information on the presidential election. Further information shows that the majority of Hispanics (70%) are in favor of the presidential candidates communicating with them in Spanish. Respondents also indicated they are more likely to register to vote upon seeing Spanish-language PSAs versus English-language PSAs. These results were more pronounced in major Hispanic markets namely New York, Chicago, Las Vegas and Denver.

In support of the campaign, Telemundo and mun2 have partnered with leading organizations Rock the Vote, Democracia USA, the U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute and League of United Latin American Citizens. The collaborative efforts of all involved will be implemented through a variety of local events including, town halls, open forums and online polling, among many others.

Campaign Highlights Include:

Telemundo’s PSA campaign features the network’s top news and sports talent including Pedro Sevcec, Maria Celeste Arraras, Maria Antonieta Collins, Jose Diaz-Balart, Mauricio Zeilic, Andres Cantor and Jessi Losada.

The network’s programs including Cada Dia, Al Rojo Vivo, Noticiero Telemundo ,Primera Hora and Titulares Telemundo will all integrate voter registration information into their programs through celebrities, professional athletes and politicians.

mun2 will feature weekly integrations and in-show mentions of the voter registration campaign within its programs including Vivo, One Nation Under Hip Hop, The mun2 Shift and 18 & Over. The network will also air originally-created promos and vignettes featuring network talent Yasmin Deliz, Crash, Renato Lopez and Frankie Needles. In addition, mun2’s fully-interactive website and bicultural youth portal will include editorial posts on campaign-related issues that affect Latino youth and allow visitors to register to vote at

Telemundo owned and operated stations and affiliates will include “Vota Por Tu Futura” political reporting in local newscasts from September 2007-November 2008 as well as run PSAs featuring local news talent to complement the network campaign. Stations will also conduct local town hall meetings throughout 2008 leading up to the election. Each station will also provide information through its local website with links to Yahoo!Telemundo and its partners.

Yahoo! Telemundo will provide online support to the initiative through various efforts including conducting online polls on issues that are important to Latino voters, offering educational material on the democratic and registration process and providing links to partner sites. Visitors will be able to register at

Telemundo, mun2 and its partners will coordinate various grass-roots marketing efforts through local consumer campaigns.

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