The 2024 LDC Comprehensive Handbook on U.S. Latinos offersInsights into the Vital Role of Latinos in the United States

The Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) proudly announces the release of the 2024 LDC Comprehensive Handbook on U.S. Latinos, a comprehensive report that brings together the latest information from various LDC reports and other reputable sources to showcase the profound impact that Latinos have on the economy, society, and culture of the United States. As the nation’s largest minority group, comprising nearly 20% of the population, Latinos are at the forefront of driving economic growth, workforce participation, entrepreneurship, and political engagement.

“We believe this handbook will be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to increase their bottom line through constructive engagement with the Latino community,” said Ana Valdez, CEO of the Latino Donor Collaborative. “By providing data-driven insights and practical strategies, we hope to empower organizations to make informed decisions that allow them to allocate resources wisely.”

For over a decade, the LDC reports have served as a vital resource for policymakers, business leaders, educators, and organizations seeking to promote informed decision-making and harness the power of the Latino population. By compiling the most relevant and current data, this report sheds light on who U.S. Latinos are and the critical opportunities to connect with this dynamic community.

“We are very grateful to Capital One and the Capital One Foundation for making this handbook possible. Their commitment to fostering economic growth has been instrumental in bringing this valuable resource to life,” said Valdez.

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