THE END OF AN ERA : Eduardo Caballero passes – se te extraña
May 6, 2024

THE END OF AN ERA : Eduardo Caballero passes in 2023
Eduardo Caballero The Godfather of Hispanic Marketing & Radio in our Industry passed in 2023.
For those that worked with Eduardo Caballero and those that knew Eduardo will be eternally impacted by the man, the professional, the pioneer and the Industry Advocate.
Many of the professionals in the business do not know the impact Eduardo Caballero had in the design of their futures in our Industry.
I for one, cannot put into words how grateful I am for the opportunity to have started my career at Caballero Spanish Media with Eduardo Caballero. Those were the days of educating all of the advertising industry to the POWER of the Hispanic Consumer.
Gracias, Eduardo. Descansa en Paz, se te quiere.
For those interested on how our Industry was formed and about Eduardo Caballero, CLICK HERE.