The need for consistent measurement in a digital-first landscape [REPORT]

Few changes in the media industry are as defining as audiences’ relationship with television. And the latest evolution capturing audiences’ attention is streaming services, smart TVs, and the content they support. In the U.S. alone, Americans watched 19 million years worth of streaming content in 2022.

So, naturally, brands have adjusted their media strategies: 84% of global marketers say they include streaming channels in their media plans.

The catch? Less than half believe this spending is effective.

In December of 2022, we surveyed 1,524 global marketing professionals to understand how they feel about changing viewing behaviors, the rise of streaming and CTV, and solutions for tracking and proving campaign impact.

Here are four key survey insights:

1 – Recession or not, marketers expect ad budgets to grow

  • Despite 69% of global marketers saying economic conditions had a big impact on planning, 64% expect their budgets to grow.
  • 64% of marketers expect budgets to grow

2 – Streaming is the future, but value remains unclear

  • 84% of global marketers include streaming in their media planning. Less than half, however, view this spending as effective.
  • 84% of marketers include streaming in their mobile planning

3 – ROI confidence is lowest across digital channels

  • Only 54% of marketers are confident in ROI measurement across digital channels.
  • 54% of marketers are confident in ROI measurement of digital

4 – Multiple measurement tools could be hurting confidence

  • 62% of marketers use multiple measurement solutions to achieve a comprehensive look at marketing performance, which may be contributing to the lack of confide

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