The Re-Birth of the Spanish Dominant Hispanic Consumer in The US
August 27, 2024

By Gene Bryan / CEO of HispanicAd
Interesting title, since we are being challenges every year by sources that state that the Spanish Dominant Hispanic Consumer is not growing, and that mainstream and digital media are imposing attrition to our US Hispanic Spanish Dominant media that serve the US Hispanic Consumer.
I have yet to hear our media companies, our ad agencies and other sources bringing forth the notion of what has happened in the last four years to the growth of the US Hispanic Market due to recent immigration patterns.
In 2010 there were 50.2 Million Hispanic in the US. In on decade, the 2020 Census detailed the that US Hispanic population grew by 11.9 Million or + 24%.
In just four years since the 2020 Census, the possibility that the US Hispanic Consumer base grew by 10-12 Million is in the realm of possibility or by a 19%, due to recent immigrant growth.
I am not here to discuss the political issue surrounding the influx of immigrants into the US, but I am here to highlight:
- Our Hispanic Consumer base could have a growth of +15-20 Million in 4 years and projected out to average growth over 10 years in the 2030 Census could reach +30% or 80-85 Million US Hispanic Consumers. That’s clout.
- Close to 100% of the US Hispanic Consumer Base growth is Spanish Dominant Hispanics in the last 4 years.
- Hispanic TV, Radio and other media are going to enjoy a real bonanza of new viewers, listeners and readers
- With this growth, the hierarchy of US Hispanic Market and their relationship to mainstream markets will be impacted dramatically, since a good portions of this new immigrant consumers group is congregating in the largest US Hispanic Markets in the US.
- The Hispanic composition of our top markets will grow. LA, NY, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, etc have become much larger and important markets, due to US Hispanic Consumers.
- The Hispanic composition of market sbesides the Top 5 will grow and change not only the US Hispanic Market ranking but re-organize mainstream markets into a new ranking order.
- The US Hispanic Market is leading the growth opportunity in the US.
These are exciting times for our industry.
We need not only a much need shot in the arm to grow our business, but also a swift kick in the ass to create better strategic sales initiatives, better communication and marketing initiatives to impact budgets to get companies to redirect ad dollars or get involved in marketing to US Hispanics.
This will reinforce the need for marketers to hire experts to persuade, communicate and engage US Hispanic Consumers.
Comments are welcome. Want to address of our readers on this issue, contact me at gb****@Hi********.com