Total Audience Report

Nielsen is releasing the newly rebranded cross-platform report as the Total Audience Report. As we have seen with previous reports, there is an accelerated growth and proliferation of technological devices. These devices have allowed consumers to connect with content anytime and anywhere. What used to be a schedule to watch programming now seems like little more than a suggestion, considering viewers currently have choices to watch live linear programming, on-demand, through subscription services and apps, among other ways to tune in.

The question of audience delivery is one that weighs heavily on the minds of media industry executives who on a daily basis evaluate the challenges of content distribution, ad delivery and audience measurement. At Nielsen, we are faced with these same challenges and have been asking the same question for a long time. Now is the time to progress the conversation.

Last month Nielsen did just that with the announcement of our total audience measurement proposal and a call for a fundamental industry change. Our Total Audience Report (previously the Cross Platform Report) continues to be part of our ongoing efforts to provide more insights into the consumer’s media consumption and experience as they navigate through their content.

This report highlights the viewing and listening behavior of U.S. consumers and identifies emerging trends in media across traditional TV, mobile, Internet, and audio.

To download report CLICK HERE.




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