Two Basic E-Mail Tactics.

Sending out the right e-mail message with a short subject line on Monday or Tuesday is a good start.

Nearly all online marketers use e-mail. Studies conducted in January 2009 by two companies also confirm that most behave similarly when it comes to basic tactical decisions.

Among marketers surveyed by Smith-Harmon, the greatest percentages said Monday and Tuesday were the most popular days to send e-mail in 2008, presumably because they had the greatest chance of reaching their targets. Thursday and Friday were close behind, while less than one-half as many said Saturday was the most popular day of the week to send e-mail.

Smith-Harmon released its findings at about the same time as another company that was researching e-mail and marketing practices. Epsilon reviewed the relationship between subject line length and response rates. The company said while shorter subject lines generally performed better than longer ones, the relationship between line length and response was weaker than previously thought.

Overall, shorter subject lines were related to higher open and click rates. However, in addition to subject line length, subject line word order, word choice, brand and audience awareness were critical success factors.

“Companies are spending little time thinking about and testing subject lines, compared to the resources and time devoted to creative development,” said Shane Stallings, senior consultant at Epsilon. “The reality is that more people will see a subject line than its accompanying creative.”

eMarketer estimates e-mail ad spending will reach $488 million in 2009, up from $472 million in 2008.

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