Univision launches “Return on Influence” to debunk myth of marketing to U.S. Hispanics

As the media industry prepares for this year’s Upfront season, Univision Communications Inc. announced the launch of a major integrated marketing campaign, “Return on Influence.” The campaign, targeted to client-side marketers and advertising agency executives, focuses on debunking common myths about marketing to U.S. Hispanics. It also features Post Honey Bunches of Oats and Nissan as advertisers who have successfully driven sales with Hispanic consumers by partnering with Univision.
“Our ‘Return on Influence’ campaign features winning case studies from leading brands like Post Honey Bunches of Oats and Nissan. These success stories prove that by partnering with Univision to influence Hispanics, brands can make a meaningful impact on sales and share for their business,” said Keith Turner, president of Advertising Sales and Marketing, Univision Communications Inc. “Working with Univision across multiple platforms allows advertisers the ability to amplify the return of their advertising spending because we can reach, engage and activate the growing Hispanic audience in a way that English-language media cannot.”
The campaign, which launches today and runs through mid-May, sets out to debunk the myth that Hispanics are effectively exclusively reached through English language media. It also helps marketers better understand the audience, including their tech-first nature, and shines a spotlight on the importance of culturally relevant advertising. To execute the “Return of Influence” campaign Univision partnered with Digitas, an integrated advertising agency, and Troika, a branding agency, to convey the power of Univision’s engaged and growing audience to help deliver sales results. As part of the campaign, Univision will have food trucks serving lunch outside a number of media agencies. The catch — lunch must be ordered in Spanish, because brands that don’t speak Spanish are missing out. Additional elements of the campaign include:
·         B2B Social media, including promoted Tweets and a program with LinkedIn that includes sponsored content in targets’ feeds, InMails and roadblocks;
·         Targeted Captivate elevator media buy featuring animated digital units as well as video content from the food truck stunt;
·         Vertical trade media component focused on Auto, QSR, Pharmaceutical and Movies; and
·         Targeted mobile outreach: through a tech provider called Place IQ, which will “tag” agency employees and then serve them a stream of relevant messages via mobile.

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