US Hispanic Mobile Buyers More Inclined to Buy, Research on Device

Nearly half of US internet users—48%—have never used their mobile device to make a purchase, according to a September 2014 survey by cloud commerce provider Avangate. And for 40% of those who have yet to adopt mobile commerce, the barrier lies in safety concerns.

An in-depth look into the 52% who are comfortable making mobile purchases shows that US Hispanic consumers are likelier than their non-Hispanic counterparts to buy via smartphone or tablet. August 2014 data from ThinkNow Research and Zpryme Research & Consulting found that approximately half of US Hispanic mobile buyers had purchased clothes, electronics, music or movie tickets within the past month. Non-Hispanic mobile buyers were significantly less likely to have made any of these purchases within the last 30 days.

US Hispanic mobile buyers also are more inclined to use their devices to research products with online product reviews as their most valued resource. While 53% of Hispanic mobile buyers looked for online product reviews on their smartphones and tablets, just 44% of non-Hispanics did the same.

Product ratings by experts are the second-most-utilized source when conducting research via smartphones and tablets. Some 36% of US Hispanic mobile buyers search for experts’ advice compared with 26% of non-Hispanics.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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