US Web Usage landscape is Shifting.

With 71% of Americans using the Internet at least monthly in 2010, US Internet users now closely resemble the general population. Over the next five years, that trend will continue. Overall, eMarketer forecasts the number of monthly Internet users in the US will rise to 250.7 million in 2014, up from 221 million in 2010.

More than one-half of new users will be ages 45 and up, as many of the remaining laggards come on board. Among younger groups, the Internet is nearly ubiquitous, and most who are able to access it already do so, leaving limited potential for penetration growth. Notably, though, eMarketer expects significant increases in usage among children ages 3 to 11, as technology becomes a part of consumers’ lives at increasingly younger ages.

Currently, 12- to 24-year-olds represent a major bloc of users at 51.7 million, or 23.4% of the total. By 2014, though, their share will wane to 21.3%, even as their numbers increase to 53.5 million. Meanwhile, those ages 45 and older will grow from 35% to 38.3% of total users to more closely align with their relative share in the overall population.

While older groups will occupy a larger share of monthly users, that measure is quickly becoming antiquated. Younger groups have already entered a new phase of always-on Internet use, where the Web never leaves their side and is accessible 24/7 through their phone or other devices. Those 34 and under will continue to be the heaviest, most engaged and most voracious consumers of content online.

“The Internet has been a mainstream medium since at least 2008,” said Lisa E. Phillips, eMarketer senior analyst. “In 2010, more and more US consumers—even the baby boomers—are going mobile, on laptops, smartphones and other devices. The desire and the ability to stay connected will drive Internet usage to even higher levels.”

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