USHCC & Foundation Boards unify for Hispanic Business needs.

The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (“USHCC”) and the USHCC Foundation (“Foundation”) announced their boards have voted to approve governance changes to unify the boards. Board members from both organizations approved the governance changes at the October and November, 2007 meetings.

As a result of this change, all of the USHCC board members will now serve on the USHCC Foundation Board. The USHCC Foundation Board will also continue to have three additional corporate or philanthropic directors. Peter Granillo, elected as USHCC Foundation Chair in June, 2007 will continue to serve as USHCC Foundation Chair through August, 2008. Thereafter, the USHCC Chair will serve as Chair of both the USHCC and the USHCC Foundation pursuant to the bylaws changes.

David C. Lizárraga, USHCC Board Chairman expressed excitement about these changes. “We chose to unify the boards because of the important synergy that exists between the USHCC and the USHCC Foundation in carrying out the vision and mission of both organizations,” said Lizárraga. “The unified governance will empower the organizations to better meet the needs of our growing Hispanic businesses, and I thank the boards for their leadership in carrying out these changes.”

“As the current Foundation Board Chairman, I look forward to working with the entire USHCC and USHCC Foundation board members as we unify our boards,” said Foundation Board Chair Peter A. Granillo. “This governance change strengthens our mutual ability to carry out our missions for the betterment of the Hispanic business community. I, too, thank everyone for their vision and leadership in adopting these changes to help our organizations grow.”

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