The Video Generation: kids & teens consuming more online video content.

Nielsen Online announced that per person, kids consumed more streams than those over 18, and spent more time watching online video from home in April (see Table 1 in Full PDF Download version of release). Kids 2-11 viewed an average of 51 streams and 118 minutes of online video per person during the month, while teens 12-17 viewed an average of 74 streams and 132 minutes of online video. Those over 18 viewed an average of 44 streams and 99 minutes of online video.

The top 10 online video destinations for kids 2-11 and teens 12-17 demonstrate that kids pursue similar interests both online and off. Younger children gravitate towards sites associated with well-known children’s toys and TV programming, while teens go online to watch music videos, movie trailers and clips of other visitors (see Tables 2 and 3 in Full PDF Download version of release)..

Disney Records led online video destinations among kids 2-11 when ranked by unique viewer composition percent, with 50 percent. and MyePets followed with 48 percent each. Stickam was the top online video destination among teens 12-17, who accounted for 44 percent of that site’s unique viewers, followed by and Atlantic Records, with 43 percent each.

“Today’s youth don’t know – or don’t remember – a time when they weren’t going online, so their adoption of online video has been seamless,” said Michael Pond, senior media analyst, Nielsen Online. “And while video consumption in the workplace increases usage metrics among adults, the ‘at home’ data show how kids and teens are driving usage and claiming their territory. The Web provides another platform for their interest in TV shows, toys, movies and music, and offers an interactive element that children especially enjoy. Among the top sites for the younger demographic we see publishers that are integrating video into games, music and other content to drive engagement with this multi-media generation.”

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