Video sharing on the Web still in its infancy.

A new study illustrates that sites offering an outlet for sharing video content are not a fad but rather the first wave in a developing trend, and one that could help retailers connect with the increasingly elusive American consumer.

The study, conducted by interactive marketing agency Sharpe Partners, found that 54 percent of adult Internet users in America create their own video, yet only 11 percent currently upload that video to the Web. This disparity demonstrates a significant untapped market for software and other tools to assist the majority of people using video capture devices such as camcorders, cell phones, and webcams to share videos, suggesting that online video may hold the key to the next wave of Internet applications.

“We knew that video content has proven to be extremely popular with online users, but we were surprised to learn of the growth potential of this market once the barriers to uploading – both real and perceived – are overcome,” said Kathy Sharpe, CEO of Sharpe Partners.”

The Barriers – Real and Perceived

Sharpe Partners’ study found that more than fifty percent of those who create video actually edit it, with a third (33 percent) editing it every three months and 11 percent editing monthly or more frequently. More than two-thirds cited perceived difficulty, a feeling that “it’s not worth the effort,” and the lack of consumer-friendly software.

Editing is much more common for online consumers, however, with a third (33 percent) editing their video once a month or more.

“Clearly, given easier solutions, consumers will be far more likely to edit their videos,” said Sharpe. “And those who edit their video are presumably more likely to share it with others, which will expand this market even further.”

The study also found some surprising results when examining the video market. Though teens and young adults are often considered to be the primary users of video sites, more than a third (34 percent) of video capture device owners are 35 years or older with families and annual household incomes exceeding $50,000

“This market is not limited to young adults sharing video content on YouTube,” noted Sharpe. “The demographics demonstrate that the potential market for uploading and sharing video is similar to that of high-end consumer goods, making it an ideal choice for luxury brands interested in finding new ways to connect with potential customers.”

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