‘The Vigil of the Little Angels’.

“The Vigil of the Little Angels” narrates the way children celebrate the ancestral tradition of Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) at the island of Janitzio located in the state of Michoacán, México.

“The Vigil of the Little Angels” describes the celebration that takes place on the morning of November 1st in the island of Janitzio, where in an atmosphere of silent devotion, mother and siblings gather to remember, with love and tenderness, the little children who have passed away without having had the opportunity to savor the joys and sorrows of adulthood. During this ritual, loved ones present them with their favorite toys, meals, drinks and snacks by placing them on the altars where the vigils and ceremonies take place. The ritual lasts a few hours, but the intensity of its meaning is timeless.

This special edition of “The Vigil of the Little Angels” in P’urhepecha and Spanish was sponsored by Secretary of Tourism of Michoacán with the objective of distributing the book throughout school districts in the state as a contribution to a tradition so unique in its rituals, history, and culture that has been declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO. “This is without a doubt one of the richest assets of Mexico’s culture, full of history and tradition, deeply rooted in the idiosyncrasy of its people” said Mary Andrade, author of the book.

In addition to “The Vigil of the Little Angels,” author Mary J. Andrade has presented over 155 photographic exhibits on the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) in the United States, Ecuador, Spain, France, Mexico, Egypt and Chile. She has also published seven books on the subject including “The Vigil of the Little Angels.” Mrs. Andrade has also written countless magazine and newspapers article worldwide on the subject.

Mrs. Andrade has been the recipient of many international awards including the OHTLI and the Silver Quill for her work on the subject from Mexican President Vicente Fox and former President Ernesto Zedillo, and has also received commendations from Santa Clara County Supervisor Blanca Alvarado and Mayor of San Jose Ron Gonzales acknowledging her work in promoting the history and traditions of Mexico.

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