¡Viva Tu Cine! To Launch Largest Year-Round Latino Film Program.

In a move that could increase the representation of Latino films at next year’s Oscars, ¡Viva Tu Cine! announced plans to bring 10 to 15 new films to US theatres as part of its 2006 edition, making it the largest year-round Latino film program in the country. The program, which began in Los Angeles in 2004, is now expanding nationally to New York and other key markets, and is set to begin May 5, 2006.

The mission of ¡Viva Tu Cine! is to release Spanish language and Latino-themed films into commercial movie theatres that reach the Latino community. Traditionally underserved by Hollywood studios, Latino audiences have strongly embraced the program and its grassroots approach, which creates a space for high-quality films that are otherwise inaccessible except during once-a-year film festivals.

Whereas film festivals are limited in their ability to reach broader audiences, films in the ¡Viva Tu Cine! program play as any other film might at local multiplexes. The program promises to bring approximately one-first run Latino film per month to theatres over the course of the next year.

In its 2005 edition, ¡Viva Tu Cine! was responsible for nearly half of all Latino films exhibited in commercial movie theatres in the Los Angeles area. Now in its third year, the program has grown in scope and recognition. As Programming Director Christina Covarrubias notes, “Our aim for ¡Viva Tu Cine! is to be a recognized brand in the community and provide consistent access to high quality Latino films all year round.”

As part of its outreach to the community, ¡Viva Tu Cine! works with numerous cultural, governmental and Latino professional organizations across the country. The program also gets its message across using traditional advertising in print, radio and television. Media sponsor Univision-34 provides special coverage for each film. “This is a very collaborative project,” explains ¡Viva Tu Cine! co-founder, Joshua Gabel. “We’re creating a niche for Latino film as a viable alternative for moviegoers.”

¡Viva Tu Cine! has also started a $10,000 Latino Filmmaker Scholarship, which is meant to encourage study of the visual arts for a student of Hispanic heritage.

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