VME Kids presents “Polly”: The Networks New Addition to the Screen

VME KIDS, the leading channel in preschool education, is proud to announce the addition of Polly, a charming character who comes to bring joy and learning to our screens. This exciting launch marks a new chapter in our mission to provide educational and entertaining content to the youngest ones.

The significance of Polly lies in our belief that children learn best when they are emotionally engaged with the characters and stories they see on the screen. Polly will become a virtual friend who guides children through exciting educational adventures, promoting positive values and fundamental skills for their development.

With Polly, we will take a step forward in this direction by providing a character that embodies our dedication to the core values of learning, discovering, exploring, imagining, and playing. Polly represents a link between entertainment and learning, offering children a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.

Polly will be a constant companion in the daily programming of VME KIDS, excitingly and accessibly presenting the key elements of our learning blocks. As children follow Polly’s adventures, they will also be actively participating in a journey of cognitive and emotional development.

“Our preschool audience is very special to us, and we created Polly with them in mind,” said Michael Fernandez, VP of Marketing. “We want every child to feel like a part of our VME KIDS family and see Polly as a fun way to become more engaged with our programming. We are confident that Polly will become a beloved and valuable character for all our little viewers.”

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