Wells Fargo’s Team Up For Our Schools.

Wells Fargo announced a community-based program created to help financially support public schools during a time of unprecedented budget shortfalls. A total of 10 states across Wells Fargo’s Western region will benefit from the program, including: Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington. These states and their school districts are plagued by multi-million-dollar budget deficits.

Through the Team Up for Our Schools program, Wells Fargo will donate up to $30 to local school districts when new accounts are opened between July 14 and Sept. 13. When customers open new consumer checking accounts with direct deposit, including free checking, Wells Fargo will donate $10 to the school district where the Wells Fargo store is located. Wells Fargo will donate an additional $10 to the school district when a consumer Wells Fargo Package is opened and another $10 when new or existing customers sign up and use Wells Fargo Bill Pay, a service to pay bills online.

“Just like everyone in the community, we at Wells Fargo are aware of the challenges our public schools face given current budget deficits,” said Liliana Grip, vice president, Latino segment. “The Wells Fargo Team Up for Our Schools program was created to give our community, our customers and our team members a chance to become part of the solution. Together, it’s one more way that we can help make sure students feel less of the budget pinch.”

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