What It Took To Get Me Back To School After 30 Years!

The class is all abuzz with excitement and energy! A ‘big executive’ from the real world of business is coming to talk to our class. It’s only the fourth week of classes and we have already had two important guests…what a treat! Every seat in the class is filled and we all look up expectantly, as our professor and Director of Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, Dr. Felipe Korzenny, comes into the room with the guest of honor.

As a member of the Hispanic Marketing Communication class, I look around and marvel at this great opportunity. I am back in Graduate School after finishing my Masters Degree over 30 years ago. The first day of classes was quite an eye opener. I did not know what to expect and was not sure what emotions were going to surface now that I was going to be on the other side of the desk. Working at a University keeps you young, and even though I was in my early fifties, I have always felt at most 30 years old. Today I felt 25 and no different from the other smiling faces around me. I found many of my Hispanic students in the class and they came over to greet me with the familiar hug and kiss on the cheek, chatting enthusiastically in anticipation.

I remember when I came to work at Florida State University (FSU) in 1995 as the first Director of the Hispanic/Latino Student Center. I was excited to find that there were over 1,700 students that listed Hispanic as their ethnic cultural identity. I n 2005 the number of Hispanic students at FSU has risen to over 4,000. I have seen this group of students flourish and grow both in the number of organizations that have been formed and in the number of leadership positions Hispanic students today occupy around campus. Many students are on the e-boards of important campus committees including the Student Government Association, which at FSU manages a budget of over 7 million dollars. Many have joined Hispanic Greek organization while others have organized student organizations such as the Puerto Rican Student Association, the Cuban American Student Association (CASA), the Colombian Student Association (COLSA), the Mexican Student Association (MECHA), the Dominican Student Association (DSA), Oscar Arias Sanchez Hispanic Honor Students (Oscars) and other ones that are in the making.

Hispanic students come to FSU from all over the country but the vast majority comes from South Florida. And these students are very fortunate because for the first time in history, they can attend classes and get academic training that will equip professionals on the intricacies of marketing to an ever increasing Hispanic population of over 45 million in the USA. The Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication (www.hmc.comm.fsu.edu) is the only center of its kind in the United States, and was established by Dr. Felipe Korzenny, a well-known author and industry consultant in issues of Hispanic marketing. These students have the unique opportunity to obtain these programs as part of their major areas of concentration.

What can this Center for the students already getting degrees in a wide-spectrum of careers?

A Unique Tool to Get Ahead in the Marketplace

Who doesn’t want to be more marketable! In most areas of endeavor, be it teaching, criminology, any area of business, social work, nursing, medicine, law, and so on, a large part of the clients to be served will be Hispanic. Understanding the Hispanic market, and knowledge and awareness of their cultural idiosyncrasies based on their common experiences will be an asset to anyone who hires them. For undergraduates, the Center offers a minor and for graduates it offers a Graduate Certificate in Hispanic Marketing Communication. The Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication offers internship opportunities with private and public industries, scholarships and a whole array of interactive possibilities with the business world.

Education about the Hispanic culture

Many of the Hispanic students that come to FSU are born and have studied in the USA. As a result, the knowledge about their culture is very limited. Participation in these programs ensures that students will receive a thorough education about their cultural background and a better understanding of their rich Hispanic heritage.

Pride in their culture

For the past several years, the media has represented Hispanic as less desirable than the general population. The stereotypes in the media are generally contemptuous of the culture, and do not offer a factual view of reality. In this program, the aspects of the culture are thoroughly examined and the depth and richness of the shared traditions will fill Latino students with pride in their cultural heritage.

You are the biggest minority in the USA

Hispanic students are constantly presented with the fact that they are now the biggest minority in the United States. So, what can do done about it? Knowledge is power! Knowing about the Hispanic market, its economic, political and social implications will become apparent in the course of the programs. The tremendous economic potential for marketers in the USA will give the students of Hispanic Marketing Communications tools to become more effective and affective members of their communities, in whatever area they want to work.

Dr. Korzenny said in a presentation to the Hispanic Latino Students Union: “You have to become the leaders of tomorrow, for one simple reason: You have no choice! You are the fortunate ones that are in higher education.” He went on to say that they have the opportunity and the responsibility to lead their people and all they need is to provide the ‘ganas’ (will power).

After many years as an advisor to Hispanic students at Florida State University, I decided to become an example to my wonderful students. I enrolled in the Graduate Program and hope to become one of the first in the country to get a Graduate Certificate in Hispanic Marketing Communication. There is no better way to lead people than through example. Adelante jovenes, follow me…………

Eva G. Asher

Student in the Hispanic Marketing Communication Program at Florida State University

Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication

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