What Jobs Hispanic Millennials Admire Most (and Least) [INSIGHT]

What professions do Hispanic Millennials really respect? And which hold little appeal for them?

We’ve shown a lot in this blog about what Hispanic Millennials are doing for jobs, and what they would like to be doing in their own careers. Here, we’re going to take a step back and show how they feel about different types of work in general.  

Tr3s talked to Latino young adults in depth about work as part of its recently-released its 2014 study, “Hispanic Adult Millennials at Work and Play.” This project included quantitative and qualitative explorations of nearly 1,000 Hispanics and non-Hispanics ages 19 to 34, as well as information from Simmons, Pew Hispanic Center, Nielsen, and numerous Viacom studies.

From “Hispanic Adult Millennials at Work and Play,” here are key insights on their respect for different professions:

They celebrate healers, heroes, and rescuers. Both Hispanic and non-Hispanic Millennials appreciate the risks that firefighters take to protect us-that job was the #1 most respected profession among both groups. Police, soldiers, and healthcare industry workers also rate high.

Smart jobs command a lot of respect. Millennials hold people in the science, technology, and educational fields in high regard. Hispanic females admire workers in these areas more than Hispanic males.

They look favorably upon regular, everyday hard work.  Some jobs are physically taxing but necessary to keep our children safe and our environments clean. Millennials view daycare and childcare workers, maintenance people, and housekeepers in a very positive light. (Maintenance workers and housekeepers tend to get a little less respect from non-Hispanic Millennials, however.)

“Big business” companies and lawyers are not getting much Millennial respect. Financial companies (Wall Street, banks, etc.), the insurance industry, media and entertainment, and the legal profession are not looked upon as favorably by Millennials as jobs that contribute to society in other ways. However, Hispanic Millennials have more respect for lawyers and insurance companies than non-Hispanics.

Big, iconic institutions aren’t perceived very well, either. “The Church” and “The Government” do not get accolades as employers, suggesting that bureaucracy is not very appealing to young people.

Not surprisingly, fast food jobs get the thumbs-down. Many younger Hispanic Millennials of working age are employed at fast food restaurants to stay afloat as they work toward finding their dream jobs. This might be why Hispanics 19-29 have less respect for the fast food industry than Hispanics 30-34.

Source: Tr3s Hispanic Adult Millennial Study (2014)


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