What Types of Marketing Messages Do Women Prefer?

Nearly three-quarters (73%) of US female internet users say they at least sometimes receive marketing messages directed specifically to women. But 74% of respondents said they prefer messages that are gender neutral.

April 2016 research from Fluent LLC surveyed 1,443 US female internet users ages 18 and older. According to the data, most respondents said they received marketing messages directed specifically to women. Just over a quarter of female internet users said they rarely, or never, received them.

When asked if they prefer marketing messages directed specifically to women or those that were gender neutral, only 26% of respondents said they preferred marketing messages directed specifically for women. In fact, almost three-quarters of female internet users said they prefer marketing messages to be gender neutral.

Fluent also looked at brand-related digital activities that US female internet users conduct. The survey found that female internet users of all ages were almost equally likely to check online customer reviews, as well as browse products online before making purchase at a store.

Female users ages 18 to 29, however, were a bit more likely to follow brands on social media and sign up for email marketing newsletters compared to older female respondents.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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