When Black is LOUDER than Brown ……… Part 4

In our 4th Update on then theme “When Black is LOUDER than Brown”, we find that certain mainstream multinational agencies and buying services have created special PROJECTS to direct dollars towards Black Owned media companies.  The count is Dentsu, IPG and now GroupM.  Black activist have either done a good job shaming these companies and their client to at least concede some efforts or just put forth Shut UP efforts.

  • Dentsu stated they would spend ad dollars in Project Booker in February 2021, no results have been posted yet.  They in turn, just released their Diversity Report, CLICK HERE to read report.
  • IPG pledges to spend 5% on Black-owned media by 2023, CLICK HERE to read Press Release
  • GroupM just annouced GroupM’s Responsible Investment Framework, this initiative includes a 2+% Pledge and “Diverse Voices Accelerator”, CLICK HERE to read Press Release.

Not a mention of increasing or spending the FAIR SHARE to reach Hispanic Consumers or spend dollars with Hispanic Owner media companies.

Yes, Black is LOUDER than Brown!

Interesting enough, The Hispanic Marketing Council is very well aware of this quagmire (an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation), they just released a Press Release titled “Hispanic Marketing Council – DEI & Lack of Multicultural Marketing”, CLICK HERE to read.

Race is a very tricky subject to discuss and create a resemblance of doing the right thing.  I applaud the Black Executives that have been LOUD.

Yet, these companies put forth their individual communications, their minimal efforts and excluded the largest minority group in the US ….. Hispanics. 

Jumping on someone else band wagon and promoting them, does not get you there.  You get excluded.

For all of you Ad agency executives, PR agency executives, activists, journalist and “amateurs” that think being WOKE is imperative in all of your business conversations, keep in mind that the primary strategy should be to increase Total Minority Ad Spending to reflect the social, economic & political importance of +40% of the Total US population.

The current track record of most advertisers is dismal, it does not reflect the demographic models that exist today.

We in the US Hispanic Ad Industry are not LOUD.

I could call out companies individually based on their ad spend allocation, that’s for another day.

Ask yourself one question.  What percentage of the ad spend of the largest CPG company in the US is directed to Multicultural Consumers?  You would be floored.

A word to the wise, there is a lot of Lip Service floating around.

I do not know Donna Speciale is President of Advertising Sales and Marketing at Univision Communications personally and hope to do so one day, but she stated a major fact recently that should be a “War Call” for all of us in the US Hispanic Ad Industry, “Of the +1,500 Network TV Advertiser, only 1/3 of the advertises target US Hispanics Consumers”That’s a target!.

Mis 2 chaviots.

Since most of you are shy to calling like it is, I call Bullshit on these efforts. 

You are not going to see Ad Age or Adweek calling this Bullshit, they just give these companies cover and help them play the “Three Card Monte” game.

Fortes en Fide.

Gene Bryan



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