Wieden to Deliver Keynote Address to Hispanic Advertising Professionals

In this unpredictable business climate, companies are being forced to re-create, innovate and explore new ways to achieve higher results. For renowned adman and advertising icon Dan Wieden, co-founder and global executive creative director of Wieden & Kennedy, experimentation is the root of great ideas and this time of economic uncertainty should breed novelty. Wieden will share with Hispanic advertising agency professionals his views on staying competitive in this ambiguous marketplace. He will address the group gathered for the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) Creative and Account Planning Conference in Miami on Friday, September 18th.

Respected for his unconventional methods, invigorating business practices and willingness to try and err for heavy-hitting clients such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Honda, ESPN, P and Nokia, Wieden is sure to draw a crowd. He has helped build and rebuild some of the world’s most recognizable brands and is best known for coining the slogan “Just Do It.” Wieden has a talent for articulating artful truths and telling stories that connect with people emotionally — a skill relevant to the trend in Hispanic-specialized marketing and advertising over the years.

With the advancement of new media tools and technology, and advertisers’ drive to do “more with less,” the advertising industry is being challenged to rewrite the rules of engagement with consumers. “Wieden’s unique perspective and refreshing candor are just the flair we need to jumpstart the final day of our conference leading up to the Hispanic Creative Awards show that night,” says Gisela Girard, AHAA chair and president/COO of Creative Civilization in San Antonio. “The creative talent in our market is some of the most inspired, artistic and innovative in the entire industry. Our goal is to stimulate and energize the imaginations of conference attendees and spark new ideas they can bring back to their clients and businesses.”

The full conference agenda will be released in the coming weeks. The conference, focusing on the creative and account planning disciplines of Hispanic-specialized advertising, is designed to showcase trends, highlight exceptional work, and motivate professionals to consider new strategies and tactics. The conference culminates with the AdAge Hispanic Creative Awards show Friday night honoring creative excellence targeting U.S. Latinos. Registration for the AHAA Conference is now open. To register, visit http://www.ahaa.org/> .

For more information regarding the AHAA Creative and Account Planning Conference, the association, or Hispanic-specialized marketing visit http://www.ahaa.org/> , or contact Elinor Kinnier at ek******@cm********.com, 703-610-0204.

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